Keyword: MF1 card Philips contactless IC card ME1 cards original
MF1 cards in the process and suggestions on how to handle common
盲目操作:造成某些区块误操作被锁死不能再使用。 ① blindly operation: cause some
blocks were locked misuse can no longer use. 应当仔细参考表3表5的控制权限后,予先得出操作后的结果是否适合使用要求,并且列出操作顺序表单再操作。
Table 3 should take into account the control of authority in table
5, the first to come to the results of operations are suitable for
use requirements, and sets out the order form to operate
operation. 最好授权程序员对块3的设置作专人操作。
Authorized programmers on the best settings for Block 3 person
丢失密码:再读写时造成密码认证出错而不能访问卡。 ② lost Password: to read and write,
and a password for authentication error can not access cards.
MF in the special requirements of the three cards block programming
operation, the importance of timely records related to the control
of numbers, KeyA, KeyB, and should be available to manage the
password file.
错误设置:对MF1卡的块3控制块了解不透彻,错误的理解造成设置造成错误的设置。 ③ wrong settings: MF1
card control block by block 3 is not thorough understanding, the
understanding of a set error caused the wrong settings. 依照表2可知,目前Mf1卡的控制块仅只有8种数据块访问控制权限和8种控制块设置权限,超出这16种权限的其他代码组合,将直接引起错误设置而使卡片报废!
In accordance with Table 2, we can see that the current control
block Mf1 cards that only eight kinds of data block access control
powers and eight kinds of control block set permissions, beyond the
competence of the other 16 species composition of the code will be
directly caused the wrong card set而使scrapped!
极端权限:当块3的存取控制位C13 C23 C33 = 110或者111时,称为极端权限。 ④ extreme
competence: When three blocks access control bit C13 C23 C33 = 110
or 111, known as the extreme competence. 除特殊应用外一般不被使用!启用前认真权衡对密码读写,存取控制的锁死是否必要,否则,数据加密后即使有密码也无法读取被锁死的数据区块(看不见)!
In addition to application-specific, generally do not use! Carefully
weighed before the opening of the password to read and write, access
control lock is necessary, otherwise, even if the data is encrypted
password can be locked read data block (invisible) !
设备低劣:低劣的设备将直接影响卡的读写性能。 ⑤ poor equipment: inferior equipment
will directly affect the card read performance. 对MF卡进行块3编程操作的设备,特别要求其性能必须十分可靠,运行十分稳定!建议选用由飞利浦公司原装读写模块构建的知名读写机具!
MF cards on the Block 3 programming operation of equipment,
especially its performance requirements must be very reliable and
very stable operation! Proposals selected from Philips Construction
of the original reader module renowned literacy machines!
⑥ programming interference: Block 3 in the programming operation,
not any of the "IO" interrupt or disturb! Including more than two
procedures at the same time running interference or even
PC-switching power supply ripple adverse interference, and so on,
otherwise, successful write operation will result in a sector were
locked phenomenon, a result of the sector once again visit errors
数据出错:在临界距离点上读卡和写卡造成的。 ⑦ data errors: from the point of the
critical reader and the smart card. 通常的读卡,特别是写卡,应该避免在临界状态(刚能读卡的距离)读卡。
Usually the card readers, especially the smart card should be
avoided in the critical state (just to the distance between reader)
readers. 因为临界状态下的数据传送是很不稳定的!容易引起读写出错!
Because of the critical state of the data transmission is very
unstable! Easily lead to wrong reading and writing!
07 80 69,密码B=ffffffffffff【可见】)若不经意地将KeyA=000000000000
⑧ human errors: for example, the password wrong operation of
loading, loading the mistake KeyA KeyB; mistakenly or other system
agreed in the initial plant card value as a password a0a1a2a3a4a5,
b0b1b2b3b4b5 loaded into the company's MF1 card, or in the initial
state (password = 000000000000 [A Stealth, ffffffffffff] for the
actual control of FF = 07 80 69, B = ffffffffffff password [that])
if inadvertently KeyA = 000 billion will be deleted after 12 to
re-enter " 0 ", and loaded it! KeyA then inadvertently have hidden
the original 12" f ", modify a 12" 0 ", the consequences can be
卡片失效:读写均无数据传送,读写器报告"寻卡错误"!卡片被超标扭曲,弯曲而造成内电路断裂。 ⑨ card failure:
not read and write data transmission, the report reader to "find
cards wrong!" Card was超标distortions caused by bending in-circuit
读写距离过近:与用户使用的读写器性能有关。 ⑩ reader from the past: with users of
the reader. 标准型MF1卡的读写距离可达10cm(在飞利浦公司的标准读写机具上测试的最大距离),国产知名品牌读写器一般可达5-10cm。
Standard MF1 card reader distance of up to 10 cm (Philips standards
in reading and writing on the test machines, the maximum distance),
domestic famous brands general reader up to 5-10 cm. 尺寸较小的匙扣卡,其读写距离当然比标准卡近许多,但只要可靠的读写距离≥5~10mm以上,一般不会影响正常使用!
Size small key chain card, which read and write cards from the past
than the standard course of many, but as long as a reliable reading
and writing distance ≥ 5 to 10 mm or more, the general would not
affect the normal use! |