And construction of the smart card
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Paper card
Paper card 纸卡 Paper card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card VIP卡 VIP Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 积分卡 Scorecard
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 条码卡 Barcode card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 健身卡 Fitness card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 电信卡 Telecom Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 智能卡 Smart Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 金属卡 Metal
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 礼品卡 Gift cards
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 游戏卡 Game cards
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 公交卡 Bus Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 工作证 Work permits
Shenzhen construction of the smart card IC卡简介 About IC Card
Http:// 4442IC卡技术资料 4442IC card technology information
Http:// 4428IC卡技术资料 4428IC card technology information
Http:// ME1 S50技术资料 ME1 S50 technical information
Http:// ME1 S70技术资料 ME1 S70 technical information
Http:// IC卡和ID卡的区别 IC cards and ID cards distinction
Http:// 长见卡型技术资料 See long-card information technology
Http:// 智能卡概念定义 Definition of the concept of the smart card 磁条卡技术资料 Information on the magnetic stripe card technology
Http:// 射频卡的印刷方法 RF card printing method
Http:// PVC卡检测标准 PVC card Test Standards
Http:// 常用IC卡一览表 List of common IC card
Http:// 制卡工艺流程图 Figure-card process
Http:// 下单制卡注意事项 Under the single-card system Notes

网站位置 首页 - 技术文章 - IC卡简介及IC卡分类  Site location: Home---Technical Articles---About IC card and IC Card Categories

关键字: IC卡ID卡接触式IC卡感应式IC卡射频IC卡电话IC卡 Keyword: IC card ID card contactless IC card contactless IC card RF IC card telephone IC card

感应ID卡概述 Sensor ID card outlined

现在应用较广泛的低频卡(ID卡),我公司除可以提供H4001厚白卡外,更可以提供带印刷的H4102薄卡, Now a wider application of low-frequency card (ID card), I can provide companies in addition to H4001 thick white card, but also can provide printed with the H4102 thin card, Thick ID cards 我公司的低频印刷薄卡符合银行卡的0.76mm厚度的标准。 I thin the low-frequency printed cards with bank cards to 0.76 mm thickness standards. 先进的制造工艺是我厂低频卡区别于其它工厂低频卡的最大优点,坏卡率远低于其它卡厂生产的低频卡。 Advanced manufacturing process is my factory apart from other low-frequency card factory the biggest advantages of low-frequency card, the cards was far lower than in other low-frequency card production plants card. 性能上的表现也远优于其它低频卡,使用寿命长。 Performance far superior to the performance of other low-frequency cards, long service life.
芯片: 台湾4001 COB Chip: Taiwan 4001 COB
工作频率:125KHZ Operating frequency: 125 KHZ
感应距离:8-20cm Induction distance :8-20 cm
ID厚卡:厚度1.8mm,标准卡尺寸大小,是目前最经济的射频IC卡片带有ID号码,带有一个便携孔,可以丝网印刷LOGO 文字信息; ID card thickness: 1.8 mm thickness, the standard card size, is the most economic RF IC card with ID numbers, with a portable hole, LOGO can be screen-printed text messages;
标准薄卡:厚度0.8mm,标准尺寸大小,可以胶印、丝网印刷、打印照片; Standard thin cards: thickness of 0.8 mm, the standard size can be offset, screen printing, printing photos;
非标准薄卡:厚度1.05mm,标准尺寸大小可以胶印、丝网印刷、打印照片; Non-standard thin cards: the thickness of 1.05 mm, the standard size can be offset, screen printing, printing photos;
典型应用:巡更系统、考勤系统、门禁系统、实业一卡通系统等射频识别领域 Typical applications: Patrol System, and attendance systems, access control systems, business systems, such as radio frequency identification card field

ID卡介绍 ID cards introduced
ID卡即为THRC12/13只读式非接触IC卡,它靠读卡器感应供电并读出存储在芯片EEPROM中的唯一卡号,卡号在封卡前一次写入,封卡后不能更改。 THRC12/13 CD-ID card shall be non-contact type IC card reader on its sensors and read out electricity stored in the EEPROM chip, the only numbers, numbers in the previous write letters cards, letters card can not be changed. 无源和免接触是该芯片两个最突出的特点,射频接口电路是关键的核心技术,它从读卡器接收射频能量,为芯片产生电源和时钟,并采用相移键控和加载调幅等技术实现卡与读卡器间的无线通讯。 Passive and non-contact chip is the two most prominent characteristics, RF interface circuit is the key to the core technology, which receive RF energy from the reader, a power supply and clock chips, and use phase-shift keying and loading AM technology such as the card reader and wireless communications. 非接触式ID卡具有操作方便、快捷、可靠等突出优点,获得了广泛应用。 Non-contact ID cards are easy to operate, fast, reliable, as well as benefits, access to a wide range of applications.

一、 ID卡主要特点 First, the main characteristics of ID cards
★载波频率为125KHZ(THRC12)或13.56MHZ(THRC13); ★ carrier frequency of 125 KHZ (THRC12), or 13.56 MHZ (THRC13);
★卡向读卡器传送数据的调制方式为加载调幅; ★ card reader to transmit data loading for the modulation amplitude modulation;
★卡内数据编码采用抗干扰能力强的BPSK相移键控方式; ★ card data coding using BPSK ability of anti-phase shift keying;
★卡向读卡器数据传送速率为3.9kbps(THRC12)或6.62kbps(THRC13); ★ card reader to the data transmission rate of 3.9 kbps (THRC12) or 662 kbps (THRC13);
★数据存储采用EEPROM,数据保存时间超过10年; ★ use EEPROM data storage, data retention for more than 10 years;
★数据存储容量共64位,包括制造商、发行商和用户代码; ★ data storage capacity of 64, including manufacturers, distributors and users of the code;
★卡号在封卡前写入后不可再更改,绝对确保卡号的唯一性和安全性; ★ card numbers in the prior written after the closure may not be changes, absolutely ensure that the only numbers and security;
★THRC13芯片除封装成标准卡片形状外,还可根据应用需要封装成筹码等多种形状。 ★ THRC13 chips, in addition to the standard package cards into shape, according to the application needs can be packaged as bargaining chips, and other forms.

二、 ID卡工作原理 Second, the principle of ID cards
系统由卡、读卡器和后台控制器组成(见框图)。 System from card reader and background controller (see diagram). 工作过程如下: Work process is as follows:
(1)读卡器将载波信号经天线向外发送; (1) carrier signal reader will be sent out by the antenna;
(2)卡进入读卡器的工作区域后,由卡中电感线圈和电容组成的谐振回路接收读卡器发射的载波信号,卡中芯片的射频接口模块由此信号产生出电源电压、复位信号及系统时钟,使芯片“激活”; (2) card reader to enter the work area, the card capacitance and inductance coil resonant circuit consisting of the launch reception reader carrier signal, the RF chip in the card interface module which produce power supply voltage signal, reset signal and the system clock, so that chips "activation";
(3)芯片读取控制模块将存储器中的数据经调相编码后调制在载波上,经卡内天线回送给读卡器; (3) Control Module chip will be read the data in the memory phase modulation coding modulation on the carrier, the card reader antenna gave back;
(4)读卡器对接收到的卡回送信号进行解调、解码后送至后台计算机; (4) Butt received the card reader to send a signal demodulation, decoding sent to the background after the computer;
(5)后台计算机根据卡号的合法性,针对不同应用做出相应的处理和控制。 (5) According to numbers behind the legitimacy of the computer for different applications corresponding to the processing and control.

三、 ID卡应用范围 Third, the scope of ID card applications

与接触式IC卡相比,非接触式ID卡无需插拔卡,避免了由于机械接触不良导致的各种故障,因而具有操作方便、快捷、可靠、寿命长等突出优点,特别适用于人流量大的场合。 And contactless IC card compared to non-contact ID card without swapping cards, avoid bad contact as a result of mechanical failure caused by various, and so they have easy to operate, fast, reliable, long life, as well as advantages, especially for people flow big occasions. THRC12/13非接触式ID卡主要可应用于身份识别和寻址控制,如门禁、保安、考勤等领域,也可扩展应用到展览会、公园、旅店、餐厅等公共场所的门票、优惠卡等。 THRC12/13 non-contact ID card can be used in the main identification and addressing control, such as access control, security, in areas such as attendance, but also can be applied to the expansion of the exhibition, parks, hotels, restaurants and other public places of tickets, concessions cards. 以及生产过程、邮政包裹、航空铁路运输、产品包装、交通等部门的物流、电子标签、防伪标志、一次性票证等众多领域。 And the production process, postal parcels, aviation rail transport, packaging, and transportation departments of logistics, electronic tags, security signs, a one-off coupons, and many other fields. 虽然它仅是一种只读卡,但利用后台计算机控制管理,即使是涉及收费管理的问题也可以在一定范围应用,如食堂就餐收费管理等。 Although it is only a read-only cards, but the use of computer control and management background, even if the issue of management fees involved can be in a certain range applications, such as cafeteria dining fees management. 针对具体应用,可将持卡人的个人资料送入后台计算机,建立数据库并配置应用软件,使用时通过读卡器将读到的卡号送至后台计算机,从数据库中调出持卡人的个人资料,而后根据具体应进行操作,因而应用范围极其广阔。 Application-specific, can be sent to the cardholder's personal background information on the computer, the establishment of a database and configure application software, through the use of the reader to read the numbers sent to the background of computers, from the database out of the cardholders personal data, then operations should be carried out in accordance with specific and therefore extremely broad scope of application.

    ID card   ID card

智能卡图片欣赏 PVC卡检测标准 下单制卡注意事项Smart Card Pictures PVC card Test Standards Under the single-card system Notes

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关键字: IC卡简介及IC卡分类---制卡相关技术文章---深圳市和信达智能卡技术有限公司  Keyword: IC card and IC Card Introduction - Classification system card related technical articles - the smart card and construction of the Shenzhen City
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Shenzhen Hexinda Smartcard Technical Co.,Ltd Shenzhen Hexinda Smartcard Technical Co, Ltd
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