IC卡ID卡接触式IC卡感应式IC卡射频IC卡电话IC卡 Keyword:
IC card ID card contactless IC card contactless IC card RF
IC card telephone IC card
IC cards and ID cards distinction
1, IC card and ID card definition
Circuit Card),又称智能卡(Smart
IC card full name IC card (Integrated Circuit Card), also known as
smart cards (Smart Card). Read-write, high capacity, encryption,
data recording reliable, more convenient to use, such as card
systems, consumer system, at present, there are mainly PHILIPS
series of Mifare cards.
ID card name identification card (Identification Card), is a
non-induction into the card, with a fixed number, the main Taiwan
SYRIS EM format, the United States HID, TI, MOTOROLA, and other ID
Second, why do initialization IC card (ie encryption), and
do not have ID cards
1.IC cards in use, we must first through the IC card reader devices
and the unique two-way key certification to carry out related work,
so that the whole system is highly security. Therefore, we must on
the factory IC card to initialize (encryption), is aimed at the
factory after the formation of the IC card crack the card key
system, in order to ensure the safety of card payment system
2.IC card initialization encryption, to the user, the customer
through the IC card issuance systems, card users will generate its
own system dedicated keys, thus ensuring the user's system in the
other card users can not be issued in the use of the system to
ensure that the specificity of the system, thus ensuring the safe
use of the system mechanism.
3.ID cards and magnetic cards, are only used "card numbers" only, in
addition to the card numbers, without any security functions, the
"numbers" are open, exposed. Therefore said ID cards is the
"magnetic induction , "and it simply does not need or do not need
initialization problem.
4. Initialization process Why not do so by the user's own reason is
this: 1)如果由用户自己初始化,就不能防范用户内部人员作弊.因为用户在使用一卡通系统时,若有员工用社会上买来的卡随意初始化,便可随意发行成住户才能使用的住户卡,甚至可随意给卡充值消费,这不仅将造成严重作弊后果,也将导致一卡通系统的安全出现使用机制上的严重漏洞.
1) If the user's own initialization, users will not be able to
prevent internal fraud. Card because users in the use of the system,
if employees use the community cards purchased at initialization,
will be issued at 10% of households to use tenants cards, or even
free to recharge card consumption, which will not only cause serious
consequences of cheating, the card system will also lead to the use
of the security mechanism in a serious loophole.
2) In addition, if users buy their own poor factory card
initialization, and the system can not be used, the system will use
paralysis or bad performance, which will result in responsibility
for the accident unclear.
3) initialization process manufacturers in the implementation of IC
card security is the main key authentication mechanism for the basic
needs, but also IC card system integrators the norm. Urban public
transport as IC cards, these cards to the public transport system
before use Each card will carry out pre-encryption key
4) If the user because of the lack of professional management or, if
authorized by the initialization of the key card, users and
manufacturers will not be able to fill with the card. Therefore,
initialized by the manufacturers do have security.
3, IC card system and the ID card system
1. Safety: IC卡的安全性远大于ID卡.ID卡内的卡号读取无任何权限,易于仿制.IC卡内所记录数据的读取,写入均需相应的密码认证,甚至卡片内每个区均有不同的密码保护,全面保护数据安全,IC卡写数据的密码与读出数据的密码可设为不同,提供了良好分级管理方式,确保系统安全.
IC card is far greater than the safety of ID cards. ID card read the
numbers without any authority, easy imitation. IC card reader
recorded data, the need to write the corresponding password
authentication, and even within each of the cards have different
password protection, comprehensive protection for data security, IC
card password and write data Douchushuju password can be set to
different classification management provides a good way to ensure
system security.
2. Recorded: ID卡不可写入数据,其记录内容(卡号)只可由芯片生产厂一次性写入,开发商只可读出卡号加以利用,无法根据系统的实际需要制订新的号码管理制度.
ID cards can not be included in the data, the records (numbers) can
only be a one-time write chip production plant, developers only
readable to use numbers, not in accordance with the actual need for
new numbers management system.
IC card not only authorized users can read large amounts of data,
but also from authorized users write large amounts of data (such as
a new credit card numbers, user permissions, user information,
etc.), the IC card can be repeatedly erased and the records.
3. Storage capacity: ID卡仅仅记录卡号;而IC卡(比如Philips
mifare1卡)可以记录约1000个字符的内容. ID cards only record numbers, and
IC card (such as Philips mifare1 card) can be recorded about 1,000
characters in the content.
4. Offline and networking operations:
Because the ID Kaka Monayong, so the card holder's authority,
operating system functions to rely solely on the computer network
platform database support.
The IC card itself has recorded a large number of users relevant
content (credit card numbers, user information, authority,
consumption of information, such as balance), can run from computer
platforms, networked and offline automatically switch operation
modes, can be achieved large-scale use less cabling needs.
5. Expansion card application: ID卡由于无记录,无分区,只能依赖网络软件来处理各子系统的信息,这就大大增加对网络的依赖;如果在ID卡系统完成后,用户欲增加功能点,则需要另外布线,这不仅增加了工程施工难度,而且增加了不必要的投资.所以说,使用ID卡来做系统,难以进行系统扩展,难以实现真正的一卡通.
ID cards because no records, no zoning, only relying on the software
to deal with the network subsystem information, which greatly
increased reliance on the network if the ID card system was
completed, the user wishes to add functionality, the need for other
fabrics line, which not only increased the difficulty of the
construction, and an unnecessary increase in investment. Therefore,
the use of an ID card system to do, it is difficult for system
expansion, it is difficult to realize a real card.
The IC card memory itself are divided into 16 zones, each zone has
different passwords, independent management subsystem with multiple
functions, such as the first district to achieve entry, the second
district to achieve consumption, and to achieve the third district
staff attendance, and so on. card full realization of the purpose,
and completely modular design can be done, even if they have to add
functionality to users, also no longer wiring, only additional
hardware and software modules, which facilitate the IC card system
after the upgrade at any time expansion of the realization of a
smooth upgrade, reduce duplication of investment.
For example: the establishment of the district, who had an ID card
card system, but because of the ID card system defects, the system
could not be deployed in everyday use, thus the system can
completely void after the card to use IC card system.
6. Intelligent system maintenance and
operation: 比如:电脑发行了一张新的用户ID卡,就必须通过ID卡系统的网络,用人工方式将所有ID卡号一个个下载到各ID卡读卡控制器中,否则ID卡被作为无效卡而不能使用;若要更改用户权限,则需在每个ID卡控制器上输入有权限的ID卡号.
For example: computer issued a new user ID cards, ID cards must be
adopted by the network, with all manner of an ID card number to
download the ID card reader controller, or as an ID card was invalid
card while not in use; To change user privileges, then in each ID
card controller on the importation of competence ID numbers.
For example: the system often put into use new ID card, a card each
new or revised the competence of a one card, the card can be
essential in all of the input controller card numbers, which
increased workload