And construction of the smart card
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Paper card
Paper card 纸卡 Paper card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card VIP卡 VIP Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 积分卡 Scorecard
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 条码卡 Barcode card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 健身卡 Fitness card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 电信卡 Telecom Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 智能卡 Smart Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 金属卡 Metal
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 礼品卡 Gift cards
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 游戏卡 Game cards
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 公交卡 Bus Card
Shenzhen construction of the smart card
Paper card
Paper card 工作证 Work permits
Shenzhen construction of the smart card IC卡简介 About IC Card
Http:// 4442IC卡技术资料 4442IC card technology information
Http:// 4428IC卡技术资料 4428IC card technology information
Http:// ME1 S50技术资料 ME1 S50 technical information
Http:// ME1 S70技术资料 ME1 S70 technical information
Http:// IC卡和ID卡的区别 IC cards and ID cards distinction
Http:// 长见卡型技术资料 See long-card information technology
Http:// 智能卡概念定义 Definition of the concept of the smart card 磁条卡技术资料 Information on the magnetic stripe card technology
Http:// 射频卡的印刷方法 RF card printing method
Http:// PVC卡检测标准 PVC card Test Standards
Http:// 常用IC卡一览表 List of common IC card
Http:// 制卡工艺流程图 Figure-card process
Http:// 下单制卡注意事项 Under the single-card system Notes

网站位置 首页 - 技术文章 - 非接触式IC卡国际标准  Site location: Home---Technical Articles---non-contact IC card standards

常用卡型技术资料: 4442IC卡 4428IC卡 S50芯片卡 S70芯片卡 ID卡 Common card technology information: 4442IC card 4428IC card S50 chip card S70 chip card ID card

IC卡国际标准 IC card standards

关键字:制卡国际标准ISO7816体系IC卡国际标准 Keyword: card system to international standards ISO7816 international standard IC card system

1. 1. ISO 7816-1:1987 专业制卡带触点的集成电路卡第1部分:物理特性 ISO 7816-1:1987 professional system 07-03-28 contact IC card Part 1: Physical Characteristics

规定了卡的物理特性,包括尺寸(同ISO 7810)。 Card provides the physical characteristics, including size (with the ISO 7810).

2. 2. ISO 7816-2 :1987 专业制卡带触点的集成电路卡第2部分:触点的尺寸和位置 ISO 7816-2: 1987 Professional system 07-03-28 contact IC card Part 2: the size and location of contacts

规定了各触点的尺寸、位置和功能,每个触点应有一个不小于2.0mmX1.7mm的矩形表面区,各触点间相互隔离,但未规定触点的形状和最大尺寸,故IC卡模块表面形状有各种各样,但各触点的有效接触面积和位置是固定的。 Contact provides the size, location and function of each contact should be not less than 2.0 mmX1.7mm a rectangular surface, the contact between mutual isolation, but contacts provisions of the shape and size of the largest, it IC card module surface shape of a wide range, but the effective contact area of contact and location is fixed. IC卡有8个触点,目前一般用到6个,另2个触点留作将来使用。 IC card has eight contacts, the current general use six, the other two contacts reserved for future use.

3. 3. ISO 7816―3:1987 专业制卡带触点的集成电路卡第3部分:电信号和传输协议 ISO 7816-3:1987 professional system 07-03-28 contact IC card Part 3: signal and transmission agreement

规定了电源及信号结构,以及IC卡和读写器之间的信息交换、通讯协议。 Provides power and signal structure, as well as IC card reader and the information exchange, communication protocol. CPU卡读写器根据此标准开发。 CPU card reader in accordance with the standards development.

4. 4. ISO 7816―4:1987 专业制卡带触点的集成电路卡第4部分:行业间交换用命令 ISO 7816-4:1987 professional system 07-03-28 contact IC card Part 4: inter-industry exchange with orders

规定了读写器与卡之间传送的命令和应答信息内容、卡中的文件、数据结构及其访问方法等。 Provides the reader with the card sent between orders and response information content, the paper cards, data structure and access methods. CPU卡读写器和CPU卡操作系统COS按此标准开发。 CPU card reader COS operating system and CPU card this standards development.

5. 5. ISO 7816―5:1987 专业制卡带触点的集成电路卡第5部分:应用标识符(AID)的编号系统和注册过程 ISO 7816-5:1987 professional system 07-03-28 contact IC card Part 5: Application Identifier (AID) numbering system and registration process

应用标识符(AID)主要在CPU卡中使用,用于确定卡中应用的地址,可以包括注册应用提供者标识符。 Application Identifier (AID), mainly in the use of CPU cards, cards used to determine the application of address, registration applications could include those identifiers. 在逻辑加密卡中只有SLE4442、SLE4428卡有AID,AID用16进制表示格式为8d 3f 57 23 4f 00 xx),其中xx可变,xx可以为00---FF,AID全球唯一,可以增加应用的安全性。 In the logic of encryption card only SLE4442, SLE4428 card AID, AID hexadecimal format with 16 for 8 d 3f 57 23 4f 00 xx), in which the variable xx, xx for 00 --- FF, the only global AID, Increased application of security.

专业制卡 Professional card system
制卡IC智能卡、接触式IC卡、非接触式IC卡、感应IC卡、ID卡、EM格式ID卡、TK4001ID厚(薄)卡、TK4100ISO薄卡、MF1(mifare one)薄卡、TEMIC卡、ATM24C01卡、 制卡感应卡、射频卡、异形卡(匙扣卡、ABS钱币卡、手表卡、隐蔽卡)、 制卡智能卡、磁卡、仿伪卡、收费储值卡贵宾卡、 制卡会员卡、学生卡、医疗卡、医疗保险卡、证卡制作(人像卡、有像工作证件卡、证件卡)、就餐卡、优惠卡、年历卡、门诊卡、缴费卡、实业宣传卡、医保卡、证券卡、积分卡、游戏卡; 制卡镀金(银)卡:金卡、银卡、刮刮卡制卡、电讯卡、电信卡、条码卡、银行卡、剥剥卡、金属卡、收费卡、密码卡制卡、消费卡、门禁卡、立体卡、纸卡、香水卡、感应卡制卡、3D卡、ID卡,门锁卡、透明卡、半透明磨砂卡、VIP卡制卡、质保卡、医保智能卡、电子储值卡、考勤卡、工作证等设计制作生产。 IC card system for smart cards, contactless IC cards, contactless IC card, induction IC cards, ID cards, ID cards EM format, TK4001ID thick (thin) cards, TK4100ISO thin cards, MF1 (mifare one) thin cards, TEMIC cards, ATM24C01 cards, card-card sensors, RF Card, the contoured card (key chain cards, cards ABS coins, watches cards, hidden card), Card smart cards, magnetic cards, imitation Eka charges VIP cards, card system membership card, student card, medical card, and medical insurance cards, card production (Portrait card, a card like the work documents, documents cards), dining cards, identification cards, calendar cards, out-patient cards, payment cards, business cards publicity, Medicare card, the Securities cards, scorecards, game cards; card system plated (Silver) card: Gold, Silver, Guaguaka card system, telecommunications cards, telecommunications cards, barcode cards, bank cards, stripping stripping cards, Metal cards, card fees, password card system card, debit card, entry card, stereo cards, paper cards, perfume cards, proximity cards-cards, 3-D cards, ID cards, card locks, transparent cards, translucent matte card, VIP card system card, warranty cards, medical insurance cards, e-cards, attendance cards, work permits and other production design. 制卡 Card system

IC card、contact IC card、contactless IC card、ID card、EM format card、TK4100ID thick card、TK4100ID thin card、MF1 thin card、TEMIC card、ATM24C01 card、sensor card、Abnormal card、key ring card、ABS coin card、watch card、Transparent smart card、magnetic card、counterfeit card、VIP card、membership card、student card、medi card、medi insurance card、security card making(photo card、like working secutity card、pass card)discount card、calendar card、payngo card、corporat advertise card、stock exchange card、points saving card、game card、gold card、silver card、scratch card、telecom card、barcode strip card、bank card、metallic card、password card、consuming card、Gate secwity card、3D card、paper card、perfume card、ID card、Transprent optical card、half transprent card. IC card, contact IC card, contactless IC card, ID card, EM format card, TK4100ID thick card, TK4100ID thin card, MF1 thin card, TEMIC card, ATM24C01 card, the sensor card, Abnormal card, key ring card, the ABS coin card, watch card, Transparent smart card, magnetic card, counterfeit card, the VIP card, membership card, student card, medi card, medi insurance card, the security card making (photo card, like working secutity card, pass card) discount card, calendar card, payngo card, corporat advertise card, the stock exchange card, points saving card, the game card, gold card, silver card, scratch card, telecom card, barcode strip card, bank card, metallic card, password card, consuming card, Gate secwity card, 3D card, paper card, perfume card, ID card, Transprent optical card, half transprent card.

IC卡图片欣赏 PVC卡检测标准 下单制卡注意事项IC Card Pictures PVC card Test Standards Under the single-card system Notes

作者:     来源:引用 Author:      Source: quote
关键字: IC卡国际标准,制卡国际标准,ISO7816体系---制卡相关技术文章-深圳市和信达智能卡技术有限公司  Keyword: IC card international standards, international standards card system, ISO7816-card system - relevant technical articles - Shenzhen construction of the smart card
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