IC卡ID卡接触式IC卡感应式IC卡射频IC卡电话IC卡 Keyword:
IC card ID card contactless IC card contactless IC card RF
IC card telephone IC card
卡简介 About SLE4428 card
First, the main indicators:
1024 字节的EEPROM ● 1024 bytes of EEPROM
1024 字节的写保护区(固化数据) ● 1024 bytes of write-protected area
(curing data)
● 2 字节的密码,错误计数8 次 ●
2 byte password, 8th error count
?35 ℃ ~80 ℃ ● temperature of the В? 35 ℃ to 80 ℃
●至少100,000 次擦写循环 ●
at least 100,000 erase cycle
年数据保存期 ● At least 10 data retention
Second, SLE4428IC card memory allocation icon below:
The factory has been
cured |
用户代码 User
code |
数据区 Data
Area |
密码错误计数器 Incorrect password counter |
用户密码 User
Password |
注:图中--表示省略 Note: - that omission |
Third, the functional description:
1 、
SLE4428 容量为1Kbytes, 地址空间由0~1023 。 1, SLE4428 capacity of 1
Kbytes, the address space from 0 to 1023.
、所有数据除密码外, 在任意情况下均可被读出, 密码在核对正确后可以被读出。 2, all data in
addition to passwords, in any circumstances can be read out after
the correct password verification can be read out.
、所有数据包括密码本身在核对正确密码后可以写入或更改。 3, all data, including passwords
themselves in the correct password can check into or varied.
、所有数据都可以按字节进行写保护,写保护后数据固化,任何情况下不可更改。 4, all data can be
protected by byte write, write protection of data after curing, not
change under any circumstances.
、有一个密码出错计数器。 5, a password error counter. 地址是1021 。 The
address is 1021. 初始值为8, 密码核对出错一次, 便减1
。 The initial value of 8, a wrong password verification, it
minus 1. 若计数器值为0, If the
counter value is 0,
则整张卡的数据被锁死, 只可读出,
不可写入或更改且无法继续核对密码; 若不为0, 则只需有一次核对 The whole card data to be
locked, the only readable, not write or could not continue to check
and change your password; not to 0, there is only one check
计数器将恢复为初始值。 Correct, counters will revert to the initial
6 、密码长度为2bytes, 地址是1022 、
1023 。 6, password length is 2 bytes, the address is 1022,
1023. 共有216 种组合, 在密码核对正确之前,
读这两地址的 A total of 216 kinds of combinations in the correct
password verification before reading two addresses
结果是"00", 也无法写入和更改;
在密码核对正确后可以读出密码, 也可更改密码, 密码会一直有效至 The result is "00", and the
changes can not write in the correct password verification can be
read out your password, they can change the password, the password
has been effective to
卡掉电为止。 Power-down of
the cards.
7 、唯一代码。 7, the only
code. 地址21~26 是卡的用户代码,
该代码是全球唯一的用户代码, 最大限度地保证用户的 Add 21 to 26 cards is the user
code, the code is the only global user code, the maximum guarantee
利益, 此代码经固化写入后将不可更改。
Interests, this code will be written into the curing changes.
、地址0~7, 21~26 出厂前已由厂家固化, 不可更改。 8, addresses 0 to 7, 21 to 26
curing factory by the manufacturers, not changes.
Fourth, pay attention to matters:
1 、
SLE4428 有三项安全机制: 用户密码, 唯一代码, 固化写入。 1, there are three
security mechanism SLE4428: user password, the only code, curing
write. 密码若未核对正确, 则无法写入数 If
not check the correct password, you can not write a few
写入的数据一经写保护( 固化) 则无法再更改。 According and write data to a
write-protected (curing) is unable to change. 采用唯一代码作为系统所用IC 卡的标识,
可避免相同 Only used as a code used by the IC card system logo,
the same can be avoided
型号的假冒卡闯入系统。 Model of
counterfeit cards into system.
2 、
SLE4428 卡无需密码便可读出整张卡的数据, 因此设计时要注意内容加密, 以防破坏者辩识数据 2, SLE4428
cards can be read without password whole card data, therefore we
should pay attention to the design of the content encryption to
prevent saboteurs identification data
格式。 Format.
、整张卡是不分区的, 密码一经核对正确便可向任一地址写入或修改数据, 因此设计时要注意适当 3, the whole
card is not the district, a password to be able to verify the
correct address into a data or modify, so we should pay attention to
proper design
以防无意破坏数据或非法更改数据。 Curing data and the content of the data
encryption to prevent illegal has no intention to destroy data or
data changes.
4 、密码核对正确后, 可被读出。 4,
check the correct password, can be read out. 因此设计时程序要能防止破坏者采用非法中断程序运行,
直接去读 So the design process must be able to prevent the
illegal use of saboteurs interrupt procedures and must struggle
取密码的方法来窃取密码。 The PIN
methods to steal passwords. |